Jennifer Richardson, Secretary

Jennifer Richardson shares her passion for art and education in her role as curator for the Parthenon. She earned her MA in Art History from George Washington University and her BA in Art History from the University of Memphis. For well over a decade, Richardson taught art history to non-majors for the Art Institute of Tennessee, refining her talent and skills to make art relevant and accessible to everyone. She also shared this passion by providing low-cost art lessons for the community, creating a place for people to grow and learn in her art studio, Golden House Art Studio, in Murfreesboro, TN.

Richardson’s deep love of architecture and history have led her to regularly attending meetings of the Nashville History Club, where she learned about Historic Nashville. When she is not in a museum, she enjoys yoga at Centennial Park Sportsplex, helping out at Coldest Nights and Nourish, traveling to festivals that commission her to create large chalk murals, and being a mom to two amazing boys.

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